Grocery Shopping Pandemic

Following the rules is good etiquette because it keeps others in your presence safer

Before we chat about grocery shopping, I want to point out a hopeful observation. During this pandemic etiquette we will hopefully gain an understanding of our community around us and not making it just about ourselves but making it about the broader community.

As the crisis continues going out for any reason is a challenge. There’s a lot of social rules that are in flux right now and one of them is grocery shopping. If everyone makes an honest effort and does their best, going to get groceries doesn’t have to be another stressful part of our “new” normal routine.

Here’s my list of basic courtesies with the goal of getting what you truly need while remaining safe.

Wipe down your cart before and after you go shopping.

Go to the grocery as little as possible and limit the time you spend in the store.

Go in with a plan to buy only what you need. There is a thin line between hoarding and stocking up for a couple weeks. As tempting as it is to load up, this is the time to check yourself. Do you really need those last few bags of noodles on the shelf?

Be mindful when selecting your groceries. Once you reach and pick up an item, consider it yours. For everyone’s safety, avoid touching food and putting it back.

Most importantly, wear gloves, a protective mask, and keep a safe distance from other shoppers. Respect the 6-foot rule.

These days, being considerate saves lives.

Jacquelyn Youst


  1. This great advise. I always thank the cashier for coming to work, when I am shopping in a

    1. Author

      That’s a very kind gesture! I’m sure they appreciate it.

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