Dining Etiquette Reminders

Napkins are kept in your lap, unfolded halfway

If you leave the table for a moment, place your napkin on the chair

Begin eating after everyone at your table has been served

Sit up straight, but not too stiffly

No hovering over your plate

Lean forward slightly when taking a bite

Chew with your mouth closed and do not talk until you’ve swallowed

Butter only a bite of bread/roll at a time, not the entire slice

Use silverware working from the outside in

Once a utensil is used it is placed on the plate, never on the table

Ask for food to be passed to you. Do not reach for it.

Pass salt and pepper together

If you need to leave the table during the meal, say “excuse me”

Talk about pleasant things when eating

Politely refuse something you dislike

Offer to help clear the table