Thank you note

Gratitude, never underestimate its power

A thank you note shows appreciation for a thoughtful act or gift and are absolutely necessary. Sitting down and writing a thank you note is a warm sincere gesture. If you’ve been on the receiving end of a meal or a gift, writing the person a thank you note is in order. However, there are many, often overlooked reasons to send thank you notes. To guests of your wedding, bridal, or baby shower; when you’ve received a handwritten sympathy note for the passing of a loved one; and of course when you’ve been hosted for an overnight stay. It’s also great practice to send a handwritten thank you whenever a friend has done you a special favor. Another overlooked opportunity is to send thank you notes to potential employers after an interview, this should be an important part of any job-hunting strategy. This habit is fading away and a note will make you stand out from other candidates.

Keep each note short, three or four sentences is fine. Write something personal and be sure to be specific when you mention the gift or how much the gesture means to you. Don’t worry if your note seems short, the only rule is that it be sincere.

You can also express your thanks through social media or the telephone. But it is not adequate and nothing beats a handwritten thank you note.

If months have gone by and you still haven’t gotten around to sending a thank you note, it is perfectly acceptable to send one late. Be honest and apologize for the delay instead of ignoring the situation. One suggestion I have to offer is to buy a pack of thank you cards (and postage stamps) and keep them on hand. That way you don’t have to rush out and buy cards or stamps when you need one. All in all, it’s not a hopeless disaster, so long as you handle it with grace.

How to write the perfect thank you note

1) Write your thank you note by hand     2) Mention the gift or kind gesture     3) Mail your card promptly


Written notes are always appreciated, when in doubt, write a thank you note.



  1. Hi Jacquelyn,

    Nia turned me on to you and am thankful that she did. Read your column on etiquette, and yes it has gone by the way side. Thank you for reminding us to be thoughtful of others good graces. Jackie

    1. Author

      Thank you for your kind words. I’m glad you enjoy the column!

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