Convenience Store Etiquette

So Many Opportunities Here to Use Good Manners!

You may pop into a convenience store occasionally to pick up a gallon of milk. Or, you could be a frequent customer who stops in daily for a newspaper and coffee. Either way, from the moment you pull into the parking lot you have many opportunities to use good manners.

Parking Lot

As soon as you pull in the parking lot please slow down. Convenience store parking lots can be crazy busy at certain times of the day. The early morning and lunch hours are always the busiest. The convenience of the store doesn’t give you the liberty to rush through the parking lot. Be a polite driver and take your time.

The Door

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to brighten someone’s day. Hold the door open for the person behind you and I guarantee you’ll get a genuine thank you and smile.

Clean up

Many convenience stores have self-serve stations. You might be assembling a cup of coffee in a sea of people.  Pay attention to your spills and trash. Leave the counter clean for the next person.


Just because it’s called a convenience store doesn’t mean you’ll always get in and out at the speed of light. Things happen. Life happens. The staff could be short-handed on a particular day. The time of day could also affect how busy things are.  When you are in a hurry and made to wait, it’s a good time to practice the virtue of patience.

Be Kind to the Staff

The staff is working hard to ensure things run smoothly. Appreciate them. Smile, and say thank you.

The little things in life have the greatest impact.