social graces

7 Social Graces Every Child Should Learn

You are doing your children a big favor when you teach them social graces. You will give them confidence that they need to make it through the world. When considering why manners are so important, you need to look at the big picture. Think of how this will affect your child in the future. When you teach your child how to respect others, many other good character traits are guaranteed to follow. Here are seven top social graces that all kids should learn.

  • How to introduce yourself and others properly – Teaching your child the proper way to make an introduction is not only teaching social graces, it’s arming your child with confidence.

  • How to behave at the dinner table

  • How to accept compliments – When someone praises your child, teach them to say “thank you”

  • Use please and thank you – Saying ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ shows appreciation to others.

  • Make eye contact when speaking to another person – Eye contact is not just good manners, it’s a sign of respect.

  • Send handwritten thank you notes – Teaching children to express gratitude from an early age is an important reflection of good manners.

  •  Treat others as you would like to be treated – The golden rule will teach children to be polite and caring.